Find your Soul Purpose
and live your Intended Destiny!
I'd love to share with you
my passion
for helping you find it!
I'm so glad you dropped in...
However yo​u found me, I believe it's synchronicity that brought you here. There is a connection between those who are longing to know more about why we're here, and my longing to share with you what I've learned about how to understand that. And, even more wonderfully - how to use that awareness to live fully from the joy of your being.

What would it take for you​ to dare to live
your most empowered life​?

What might you discover if you were shown your Soul's Blueprint?
If you could rememberwhat your Soul had planned for you in this lifetime on Earth - you wouldn't need a Numerology reading!
You would be so clearabout your Life's Purpose, and so aware of which gifts and strengths you had brought along to fulfill it, that you wouldn't need to ask anyone's advice.
You would already be aligned with your greatest passions, and happily involved in developing the skills needed to succeed.
You would know exactly what your callings and challenges were, and you would know where to go within yourself to meet them.
And those people you met along the way...they would be cheerfully enthralled with their own Life's Purpose too, because those are the type of people you would attract.
Imaginehow easily all our relationships would flow if we were all so in tune with our Soul's intention for our lives.
But most of us don't recall the Blueprint that our Souls created, which is exactly why the ancient art & science of Numerology has remained so useful in our time... thousands and thousands of years beyond its mysterious origins.
When I see the number for your Soul, this tells me what you long to find in your life, where you are searching. Your Expression number tells me Who You Are...
it's your vehicle for navigation on your journey here; where and how your Soul intends you to travel.
The Soul number alone will resonate with you as your Guiding Light, and your Expression number will feel like the glove that finally fits.
So that knowing who you are, you're renewed to set forth on the Journey!
And that is where your Birth Date comes in... for that tells us your Life Path... where and how your Soul intends you to be traveling!
As for finding your Life's Purpose- it is lived most fully when you are living the Expression of Who You Are,
and travelingon the Life Path your Soul has set forth. Then you are standing fully in your Power, and living the highest version of yourself!
Just imagine - how might that feel -
to be fully expressed,
allowing yourself to be deeply seen,
living the life you were born to live?
Why don't we rememberall these things about ourselves from birth? Because we're just learning to get along with others, trying to get our needs met in so many ways- in other words, just trying to survive.
We have multiple relationships with so many people, in so many roles...first as a child, then a teenager, adult, spouse, parent, friend, colleague, associate, boss, employee, patient, client...
we mean so many different things to so many different people.
We have spent our whole liveslearning aboutthe world outside ourselves - from our family, in books, in school, in business, at home, in travel, in all our relationships with others.
And then one day we realize...
there is something missing.
We haven't learned much about ourself.
We may feel we haven't done many of the things we wanted to, or we just have a sense of feeling unfulfilled.
You may have a memory of an earlier dream that you put aside because it wasn't possible to pursue at the time for any number of reasons. And now it seems too late.
You may feel stuck. As if Life is passing you by...
Which is not true at all...it is never too late to become who you really are - and to honor and express the gifts you were born with!
What might be possible for you if you followed through on your deepest dream for yourself?
What might awaken?
If you faced your challenges and took them on to receive the gifts found in mastering the lessons?
Imagine what it might be like to leave doubt and distraction behind...
To flow into intention and commitment to creating your best life... to replace disappointment with fulfillment!
What is YOUR gift that the world is waiting for....that your Heart is longing to share?
Really seeing who you are will show you the answers that are key to living your BEST life...
And then all you have to do is -